Worship Leaders

A place where worship leaders can exchange and place their thoughts and insights on worship and leading worship.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


There are sometimes where you feel like you can't motivate people to get behind you in a project...you put time and energy and prayer into it...and it just don't grow and don't go...sad
I had that happen with a choir I started...in the beginning everybody was totally into it, and then all of a sudden it just started to fizzle...In that case God showed me to not do it any more. However, there are times when God tells you to keep on going and not give up. When I first helped plant a church in Munich I felt that way all the time. We had a church of 10-15 people and most of them were very immature spiritually. They hadn't realized what worship was all about. I often got compliments at that time in regards to my music. Funny enough, that was a really bad sign. Most of the people saw it as the weekly "Hannah Concert" and eventually they got tired of me and started coming late just to hear the sermon. Their focus was wrong, and God showed me (and my pastor) to keep on worshipping being an example and eventually it would click. The people started to grow in their knowledge of the Lord and eventually one by one it clicked what worship was. I really believe that a church that knows their God can't but help to worship...so we can't give up...worship is a lifestyle. Being a worship leader means living a lifestyle of worship. In Heidelberg we have it good...you play one note and they enter in, but there are still times we have to be faithful till God moves.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Divine Inspiration

You know what is really cool...when God shows you to play a song someone else had on their heart too...it's always a cool confirmation of the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Worship Seminar was Great

We just completed the first pilot session of the worship seminar. The group was wonderful and gave us REALLY valuable feedback. You guys were wonderful! I feel like it cause the team to grow a lot in boldness and closeness which was one of my heart's goals in doing this. Thanks Lord! Greetings to all of you who stop by...feel free to comment...share thoughts about what you think is important in leading worship...maybe your goals you set for yourself or what stuck out to you as the most important thing you learned...go for it!
Love, Han

Monday, November 21, 2005

Worshipwochenende - "Na, wie war's für Dich?"

So, diesmal also auf Deutsch. Freitag bis So. hatten wir ja das Lobpreisseminar unter Hannah's Leitung. Ich fand's riesig! Aber ich war ja schließlich auch als Trainer dabei, da zählt das eher nicht so...

Deshalb hätte ich sehr gerne gehört, was Ihr dazu meintet, liebe TeilnehmerInnen. Was war gut, was eher schlecht? Was würdet Ihr Euch für ein nächstes Mal (aufbauend auf das erste Wochenende) an Themen und Inhalten wünschen?

Mit vorweihnachtlichen Grüßen, ho ho ho, etc. - freu mich auf Euer Feedback!

Thursday, November 17, 2005


I don't want to care about earthly things
Be caught up in all the lies that trick my eyes
That say it's all about ME
I'm so tired of it being about me

I want to hide in You, the way the life the truth
So I can disappear
And love is all there is to see coming out of me
And You become clear as I disappear

I would rather be cast away,
separated from the human race
If I don't bring You glory
If I don't bring You glory
If I don't bring You glory

Song written by Chad and Jess Cates from the CD "Try" by Bebo Norman

This song total summed up my heart as a worship leader, it still makes me cry every time I hear it! Bebo's worship songs are so beautiful, simple with a lot of heart! You can listen to the song on his website: www.bebonorman.com

Worship seminars: the future (and beyond...)

Hey there, worshipping world, It sure is nice to be able to talk to you from such a comfortable platform. So, this weekend we'll be having the first worship leading seminar (led mainly by my fabulous fellow worshipper and conspiratrice-in-Christ Hannah) and I'm really excited to see how it goes. All of us behind the project (Han, Di, me) have been wanting this to happen for so long! Presumably, most of you reading this will have attended the seminar. Yay for you! My question for you and anyone else interested in future seminars on worship leading would be; what would be the things you would like to learn most? If you were at the seminar, were those areas covered? What do you think are the things worship leaders of today need the most training in? Let's get a discussion going here, guys 'n gals... C u, Ed

Welcome German Worship Leaders!

This is a new group bog where selected worship leaders that are full or part time musicians can share their hearts and their insights on worship and worship leading. Welcome, and feel free to comment on what you read here.