Worship seminars: the future (and beyond...)

Hey there, worshipping world, It sure is nice to be able to talk to you from such a comfortable platform. So, this weekend we'll be having the first worship leading seminar (led mainly by my fabulous fellow worshipper and conspiratrice-in-Christ Hannah) and I'm really excited to see how it goes. All of us behind the project (Han, Di, me) have been wanting this to happen for so long! Presumably, most of you reading this will have attended the seminar. Yay for you! My question for you and anyone else interested in future seminars on worship leading would be; what would be the things you would like to learn most? If you were at the seminar, were those areas covered? What do you think are the things worship leaders of today need the most training in? Let's get a discussion going here, guys 'n gals... C u, Ed
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